Thursday, September 4, 2014

Leaked Celebrity Photos

This article by Scott Mendelson is about how Jennifer Lawrence's leaked naked photos should not be entirly her fault. The central argument he makes in the article is that the media is placing the blame for the photos on the celeberties when the blame should be placed on the people posting them online. He even goes as far as calling the scandals sex crimes and should be handled in a manor that is the polar opposite of how we handle them now.
Personally I agree with what Mendelson is arguing in the article and society does have a very backwards outlook on these situations and how to respondent them. Also I do believe there should be some blame to the celebrities just not nearly as much heat as they have been getting. I have had very similar situations with girls in my high school having their pictures going around and I can't imagine how that feels. When I saw how embarrassed the girls were a few years ago it makes me think about Jennifer Lawrence's situation in a whole new light. She isn't a normal girl, she has millions of people watching her at all times and knowing most of these people have seen her naked must be a horrible feeling.
I believe society has a lot to learn about these situations, and I hope their learning curve is fast. Because the blame is not in the actresses but is held in the sick people posting these pictures for either money or their own amusement.


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